House cat Gisela is a typical shelter cat.
The decision has been made: a cat should enrich our lives and move in. But which cat breed is best suited to me? Each breed has different personality traits and needs. It’s important to carefully consider what conditions I can offer a cat. What do I expect from living with my new roommate? Because one thing is clear: not every cat breed is right for everyone.
Before your house cat moves in with you, you should consider whether you can meet the needs of the particular cat breed. Some breeds are very independent and freedom-loving, while others are calm and happy as indoor cats. Also, think carefully about what type of cat you’re actually looking for.
Answering these questions honestly will help you narrow down the cat breeds that are right for you.
How much space do I have?
If you live in a city apartment without a balcony or garden, quiet, people-oriented breeds such as the Ragdoll or Bombay are suitable. These are relatively quiet indoor cats with smooth and elegant movements. They are considered friendly, even-tempered, curious, and affectionate. They can follow people everywhere and are well-suited to children.
Can I offer my cat free access?
If you can allow your cat to roam freely, a Norwegian Forest Cat, a European Shorthair, or a traditional domestic cat is more suitable. These active and freedom-loving animals love to roam in the garden and outdoors and lead an independent cat life. They have a great temperament and retain their playful nature well into old age.
How much time do I have and how much of it do I spend at home?
Many cats enjoy being in company and hate being alone. If no one in your household is at home all day to talk to, it’s advisable to keep a second or more cats. The Siamese or Balinese prefers to spend time with its feeder rather than with other cats. This breed of cat is very affectionate and reluctant to share attention with other creatures. They are strong-willed and assertive. They must be able to devote plenty of time to care and attention. Grooming long-haired cats like the Persian is just as time-consuming. Daily, thorough grooming is necessary and time-consuming.
Which character trait is important?
The decision should definitely not be based on appearance, but rather on the personality traits the new pet brings to the table. A lively and adaptable breed like the Selkirk Rex, Ocicat, or Singapura thrives in a lively family. If you lead a quiet, stress-free, and structured life, the Korat, Snowshoe, and Nebelung are the right companions.
How much experience do I have with cats?
If you’re new to cats, you should choose a sociable breed like the German Angora or the Raga Muffin. In that case, it’s not advisable to choose a Balinese or Russian Blue. These breeds are considered stubborn and not suitable for beginners.

The Russian Blue cat is not a good choice as a beginner’s cat.
How much communication is possible with a cat?
You should also consider whether you want a cat that communicates with you. A Siamese or Sokoke is considered quite talkative. If you’re bothered by constant meowing and whining, you might want to opt for a quiet Devon Rex or Siberian cat.
Domestic cat or would you prefer a pedigree cat?
Domestic cats are considered to be healthy and less susceptible to disease. The selection of colors and patterns is large and varied. When you give a new home to a feline from a shelter, you’re also doing a good deed. There are countless domestic cats, including kittens, waiting in shelters for their beloved pet. Domestic cats generally have a strong desire for freedom, which they enjoy pursuing in a garden or in nature.
Pedigree cats, on the other hand, require more care and are more susceptible to breed-specific illnesses. It’s all the more easy to assess their character traits before purchasing. A breeder must be chosen carefully to avoid falling victim to a seller who engages in illegal breeding or unscrupulous breeding.
If everything is right, then living together will be great!
Consider all important factors such as space, time, environment, temperament, and noise level. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. A temperamental cat in a much too small apartment, or a reserved animal in a noisy extended family, won’t be happy. Cats can react aggressively or apathetically to the wrong living conditions, which in turn makes the cat owner unhappy.
A well-considered choice of cat that perfectly fits your living situation will enrich your life indescribably. They will quickly become very good friends and remain so for life.

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