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Things to know about dogs

The best dog bed for my dog

The best dog bed for my dog

Was macht ein Hundebett zum besten Hundebett für meinen Hund? Die Qualität der Liegefläche ist bei einem Hundebett das wichtigste Auswahlkriterium. Da Hunde fast 80% des Tages mit schlafen, dösen und ruhen verbringen, ist die Schlafunterlage des Hundebettes extrem...

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A very warm welcome

A very warm welcome

Felt cat caves with latex cushionsI am delighted that you have found our blog here. In future, everything here will revolve around dogs, cats and the people that go with them. We will be discussing all topics relating to our 4-legged friends. I'm looking forward to...

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Incontinence in dogs – Is my dog incontinent?

Incontinence in dogs – Is my dog incontinent?

If the animal loses urine uncontrollably, this is known as canine incontinence. After sleeping, the dog leaves wet patches on its dog bed and leaks urine, even though it has long been house-trained. The lives of both dog and owner are severely affected and a...

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