How do I stop my puppy from chewing everything? How do I stop my dog from biting furniture, tearing wallpaper, chewing shoes, and gnawing on cables and other things? Unwanted chewing is not only destructive and expensive when it is done on the couch or personal items. Chewing on electrical cables is dangerous and in the worst case scenario it can cost the dog its life. The fact is that no puppy destroys things because it wants to annoy you. There are other reasons behind its bad behavior, which we will try to get to the bottom of here.
The little Rottweiler puppy feels good.
Make the apartment puppy-proof.
Put away all valuable items that could be dangerous for the dog. Remove electrical cables from the area that the dog can access and secure the sockets with child safety locks. Do not leave any clothing or other items that are important to you lying around. The trash can should also be out of reach of the small dog.
Rule out illness.
In very rare cases, unwanted chewing can be a sign of illness. It is extremely rare for a brain tumor or thyroid disease to cause this change in the dog’s personality. When you take your little dog to the vet, ask for his opinion.
Is your puppy teething?
Puppies are naturally curious and explore their environment with their mouths just like small children do. To properly explore their environment, they put interesting objects in their mouths and chew on them. This increases significantly when the second teeth come through between the third and seventh month. When teething, small dogs have a special need to constantly gnaw on something. Chewing is the best way to make the pain more bearable.
Offer your dog alternatives that are more interesting than your furniture and taste better. Get special chews from the dog shop. If these don’t have the desired effect, you can rub them with peanut butter or bacon to make them more attractive to the little one.
Does your puppy seek attention?
The dog wants your attention, even if it is negative attention. Negative attention is better than no attention. If the dog is not given enough time and his social needs are not met, he will misbehave to get your attention.
Keep your dog mentally and physically occupied to burn off his excess energy. A quick walk around the block is not enough. Take long walks in nature, let him swim or go jogging with him. You know your dog best and will know what kind of exercise he enjoys.
Does the dog have separation anxiety?
To track down this phenomenon, it is helpful to observe your dog with a camera when he is home alone. If your puppy starts chewing on everything and “letting off steam” immediately after you leave the house, this can be a sign of separation anxiety and stress management. A dog usually becomes restless and starts barking or howling as soon as it notices that you want to leave the house without it. For this type of anxiety and stress management, your dog needs special training from an experienced dog trainer.
Your puppy is suffering from a lack of exercise and is bored.
Once you have installed the camera, you can see if your puppy starts chewing after you have left the house. In this case, boredom may be a trigger for the destructive behavior. Under-stimulated dogs tend to find their own tasks to keep themselves physically and mentally occupied. For example, they will investigate the garbage or chew your leash to satisfy their curiosity and relieve excess energy.
Make sure the little puppy gets enough exercise and mental stimulation so that it can relieve its excess energy. There are many toys you can make yourself that will keep the dog occupied while you are away.
Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy Juma.
Dogs chew out of a natural instinct. Chewing is a natural reflex for the dog or other animals such as cats, mice and even cows. Wolves chew sticks and bones in the wild.
Think about what the dog gains and what he achieves by chewing. Does it help the puppy with teething, does chewing reduce stress and pent-up energy? Does it provide mental stimulation or reduce hunger? It can break down barriers and keep him busy with fun games. Once you understand that the chewing reflex is of natural origin, find the solution to the problems listed above. Offer your dog alternatives that taste much better than your slippers or his leash. Your puppy must be excited by your offer of a solution and he will change his chewing habits.

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