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Dog shampoo for sensitive skin

If you don’t feel comfortable washing your dog with a shampoo whose list of ingredients you can’t even pronounce, here’s a great recipe for a homemade dog shampoo. All the ingredients are easy to get hold of, or you may have them at home anyway. The quantity is sufficient for a medium-sized dog, e.g. a Labrador.


Ingredients for dog shampoo:

  • 100 g rolled oats
  • 100 g baking powder
  • 400 ml cups of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon mild washing-up liquid from the health food shop
  • 5 drops of lavender or peppermint oil

Firstly, blend the oats in a food processor until they have the consistency of flour. Add the remaining ingredients and finish mixing.

Massage the shampoo into your dog’s wet coat for a few minutes before rinsing it out. The baking soda absorbs the dog’s odours, while the oat flakes soothe and cleanse the skin.

You will be amazed at how great your dog smells and how soft his coat has become.

After a soothing wash, the Golden Retriever puppy can relax on the cosy leather cushion

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The ridge on the spine is clearly visible here

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness or aggression. He has a well-balanced, strong and muscular build and is agile and active. It is still used to hunt game in many parts of the world, its original purpose being to track down large game, mainly lions, and keep them at bay until the hunters came along.

His reserves of strength and stamina are still correspondingly great today. It is a true running dog and therefore unsuitable for people who are not sporty or have limited time. He needs at least two hours of exercise a day, more would be better. He is an excellent tracking and rescue dog, and dog sports are also a great pleasure for him.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback lacks neither courage nor bravery. He is considered to be particularly vigilant and would risk his life for his owner. It is also said to have a sixth sense for danger. At the same time, it is a very calm, cuddly, affectionate dog in the home and is therefore highly valued as a family member.

Dog beginners are quickly overwhelmed with this breed. It is a clever, sensitive but also very headstrong dog. It must be trained consistently and lovingly at the same time. The dog’s innate mistrust and tendency towards dominance can become a problem for its environment if the owner does not have the necessary professionalism. With professional training, he will prove to be a good-natured and relaxed companion in whose presence no unwanted aggression is to be feared, but one can always feel safe.

Its ridge is the breed’s distinguishing feature. It is created by the hair growing in the opposite direction to that on the rest of the body. It should start directly behind the shoulders and extend to the hips. The coat is short, dense, smooth and shiny, ranging in color from light to red wheat. Grooming is quite unproblematic with regular brushing.

Unfortunately, the breed was also fashionable and mass breeding has left its mark.
Therefore, only buy puppies from a VDH breeder.


Facts about the Rhodesian Ridgeback

  • Height of male dog: 63 – 69 cm, approx. 36 kg
  • Height female: 61 – 66 cm, approx. 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: approx. 15 years
  • Urge for movement
  • Educational effort
  • Maintenance effort
  • Time required
Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Beauceron dog breed

The Beauceron is a very original, powerful, robust and muscular dog, but without any sluggishness. It impresses with its stamina and incorruptibility. His nature is never angry, fearful or even shy. It is described in specialist literature as an excellent family dog. He prefers to be in the middle of the family or his pack and accompanies you wherever you go. Despite its size, the Beauceron is a sensitive and delicate dog. It is cautious and reserved with small children, older or anxious people. As a rule, people unknown to him are not harassed or even greeted stormily. However, if friendly contact is sought and he has met someone, he will greet them warmly. Kennels are absolutely unsuitable for the Beauceron breed.

Hunderasse Beauceron - Hundekissen - pet.interiors
The Beauceron is still a healthy, extremely robust breed with an average life expectancy of around 12 years.

Color strokes:

bicolored black-red – Bas rouge
tricolor black-red-grey – Harleqiun


male: 65-70 cm
female: 61-68 cm


Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Home-baked dog biscuit with quark and egg

Today I felt like baking some dog treats again. Our 2-legged family members are not always convinced of my baking skills. But the dog is happy about a homemade dog biscuit. Quark, egg, oat flakes, spelled flour and peanut oil are always in the house for today’s recipe. Instead of peanut oil you can also use pumpkin or olive oil. Sunflower oil is not good for dogs. The better the quality of the ingredients, the better for your pet.

This recipe can also be downloaded at the bottom of the page.


Every dog loves homemade dog biscuits.



  • 150 g Quark
    Quark is a great addition to the dog’s diet. Quark is rich in proteins that dogs can process well and digest easily. The lactose content is quite low, but it contains lactic acid bacteria but hardly any milk sugar. Most dogs tolerate quark very well. If your four-legged friend tends to be overweight, choose the lean version so that the dog biscuit won’t hit your hips.
  • 1 Egg
    Eggs provide the dog with important nutrients. They are rich in protein and fat and are characterized by a high proportion of essential fat and amino acids. Amino acids can support the dog’s metabolism, promote the regeneration of muscle tissue and stimulate cell formation. The fatty acids it contains give the fur a healthy shine. The cholesterol and lecithin contained in the egg yolk are required for cell formation. Chicken eggs should only be served to the dog boiled or, as in this case, baked in dog biscuits.
  • 200 g Wholemeal spelt flour
    Spelled consists predominantly of carbohydrates in the form of starch. It has a high proportion of protein and a lot of B vitamins. Potassium and magnesium are also included, as are the trace elements iron and phosphorus. Because it has a high level of resistance, it can be grown with almost no pesticides and insecticides and is therefore contaminated with few environmental toxins.
  • 100 g Oat Flakes
    Oats are particularly easy to digest and digestible. The special fiber stimulates intestinal activity with sufficient fluid intake. Compared to other common grains, oats have the highest content of potassium and magnesium, B group vitamins, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and copper. It also contains protein that is easy for your dog to digest.
  • 50 ml Sesame Oil
    With all oils, you should ensure that they are cold pressed and not refined. Of course, organic products are better suited to supplement your diet. Sesame oil is not always on the radar for dog nutrition. It is very well tolerated because it is a vegetable oil. It has a positive effect on blood lipid levels. It has a high Omega 6 content, so it should only be used sparingly. If you don’t have sesame oil in the house, replace it with olive, pumpkin, rapeseed or linseed oil.



  1. Work all the ingredients into a smooth dough.
  2. Separate a small part of the dough and shape into a roll.
  3. Cut off small slices and place on a baking tray.
  4. Bake at 180°C for approx. 20 mins.


Important: The biscuits must be stored in an airy place so that they don’t go mouldy!

The finished dog biscuits

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Which plants are poisonous to dogs

puppy with lily of the valley - pet.interiors

Puppies explore their environment with their mouths and are particularly prone to chewing a plant that is poisonous to them.

Many dog owners are not aware of how many plants in our immediate vicinity are poisonous to dogs. A large number of plants in our living space, in the garden and in the wild pose a medium to high risk of poisoning for our pets. The health risk can be very high, especially for puppies who explore their environment with their mouths and teeth. With our article we will inform you about plants that are poisonous to dogs, the most common symptoms of poisoning and emergency measures in the event of plant poisoning.


How can dogs ingest poisonous plants?

  • the dog chews up a poisonous plant (flowers, stem and/or root) and absorbs the poison through the oral mucosa
  • the dog swallows poisonous plant parts
  • the dog has skin contact with the plant poison, e.g. the contact poison of the meadow hogweed, aconite
  • the dog inhales poisonous pollen, which is rare


Information for puppy owners

When a puppy moves in, all plants must be scrutinised. Due to their curiosity and tendency to explore new things with their mouths, all houseplants within reach of the young dog must be checked for their safety. Please do not take any risks and remove all plants that are poisonous to dogs from your living area.

You can find out how to stop your puppy from chewing on objects here.


Plants poisonous to dogs

We have compiled a list of plants that are poisonous to dogs. The list includes house and garden plants that are poisonous to your four-legged friend. We cannot guarantee that the list is complete. In particular, new varieties are constantly coming onto the market that may be poisonous to your pet. If you are unsure whether a plant is poisonous to dogs or not, it is better to remove it and not take any risks.

Download list of poisonous plants


A note on mushrooms

The effect of mushrooms on dogs has not yet been sufficiently researched and is therefore generally not permitted for dogs. What is considered digestible for humans is not necessarily true for dogs. This is shown by the example of chocolate. The active ingredient theobromine contained in chocolate can cause severe poisoning in dogs. As a precaution, remove all mushrooms from your garden.


The dog has poisoned itself

If you see your dog chewing on a poisonous plant, take it away immediately. Offer him a better alternative, a treat, sausage or, if necessary, a steak to swap the “prey”. Telephone your vet immediately to discuss whether you can take emergency measures, such as giving him charcoal tablets. Take the remaining plant parts with you to the vet. They will help you to identify the poison and the countermeasures to be taken immediately.


Symptoms of plant poisoning

  • Apathy shortness of breath
  • Severe and/or bloody diarrhoea
  • Blood in the urine
  • vomiting with or without blood
  • profuse salivation
  • cramps
  • tremors
  • coordination problems, staggering, falling down
  • Pale or blue discoloured oral mucosa
  • Palpitations, cardiac arrhythmia, increased heart rate
  • Shock symptoms
  • Fainting


Transport to the veterinarian

Contact the vet first. Make sure that the practice is open. If your dog is able to walk itself, you should leave it alone. If the effects of the toxins weaken the dog’s circulation and cause the body temperature to drop, keep the animal warm with a blanket. If your dog has convulsions, you must transport it in such a way that it cannot injure itself. If you have no means of transport to the vet and the dog is in danger of dying, call the fire brigade (emergency number 112) and ask for help.


Important information for the vet

The vet needs to know which poisonous plant your dog has ingested. Bring a sample of the poisonous plant with you, if available. It is also important to know when the plant was ingested. What symptoms and behavioural abnormalities does your dog show and how much of the poisonous plant did your dog ingest?


Switzerland, Zurich: Tox Info Suiss
Poison control centre: +41 44 25 15 151
Telephone: +41 44 25 16 666
E-mail: Info [AT] toxi [DOT] ch
Web: toxinfo.ch

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Dog biscuits with pumpkin

There is a smell of autumn in the air, which also makes our dogs crave seasonal treats. This recipe for dog biscuits with pumpkin gets our favorites in the culinary mood for autumn. And let’s look forward to the Christmas baking season.

This recipe can also be downloaded at the bottom of the page.


Dogs are always particularly happy about dog biscuits with chia and apple because they are healthy and taste delicious.

Ingredients for the pumpkin dog biscuits:


200 g wholemeal spelled flour
I prefer to use spelled flour for my dog biscuits. I always have this in the house and it consists mostly of carbohydrates in the form of starch. In addition to its high protein content, it also contains a lot of B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and the trace elements iron and phosphorus. Spelled is also quite robust and is grown with almost no pesticides and insecticides.

200g pumpkin
For my pumpkin dog biscuits I use a Hokaido. It is rich in nutrients and fiber, contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, E, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Pumpkin is a good ingredient for dog biscuits and, raw or steamed, is a healthy snack for in between meals. Under certain circumstances, pumpkin may contain cucurbitacins. These are poisonous to dogs. These bitter substances occur in ornamental gourds and home-grown pumpkins. You can easily test whether pumpkin vegetables contain the bitter substance cucurbitacin: try a small piece of pumpkin. If it is unusually bitter, it is unsuitable for human and animal consumption. Humans react to cucurbitacins with vomiting and diarrhea, as do dogs. It is therefore advisable to decorate decorative pumpkins out of the reach of dogs. If your dog has bitten into an ornamental pumpkin, please consult a veterinarian immediately if the four-legged friend reacts abnormally.

2 organic eggs
Eggs are rich in vitamins, trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids and provide the dog with important nutrients. The high proportion of essential fat and amino acids can support the fur nose’s metabolism, and eggs are also rich in protein and fat. Amino acids stimulate cell formation and can support the animal’s metabolism. The fatty acids ensure a healthy shine in the fur and the cholesterol and lecithin contained in the yolk are required for cell formation. If the eggs are boiled or, as in this case, baked, there is no risk of transmitting salmonella.

1/2 teaspoon turmeric
The oriental spice gives our treats that certain something. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibiotic and pain-relieving effects in humans and animals. Turmeric is a true miracle cure.




  1. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly, cut it into small pieces, remove the seeds and steam it in a little water until soft.
  2. Knead with the flour, eggs and turmeric to form a malleable dough.
  3. Roll out the dough and cut out small cookies. Or
    Cut off small slices and spread them on a baking tray.
  4. Bake at 180°C for about 20 minutes

Be sure to store the dog biscuits with pumpkin in an air-permeable container or bag so that they do not get moldy!


Dog biscuit recipe