With today’s large and diverse selection, the question arises: which is the right litter box for my house cat? Even the most beautiful and expensive litter box can cause problems. Cats are sensitive creatures, and even the smallest things can irritate them and cause them to become unclean. I hope my tips can help.
The right place
We know this from our own experience: the litter box should be a pleasant and quiet place. Cats want to feel safe and be able to do their business undisturbed. The litter box must be easily accessible to your cat at all times and protected from unpleasant surprises. No cat likes it when the washing machine spins right next door. A carelessly opened bedroom door that rattles against the litter box is also not conducive to a relaxing toilet break.
Of course, it’s been said that the litter box should be placed far away from the feeding area, preferably in different rooms.
The right shape
Cats need plenty of room to move when using the toilet; after all, their waste needs to be buried thoroughly. This means the litter box should be a good size and definitely not too small. Some cats absolutely hate having to relieve themselves in a cave or an enclosed, narrow space. For these animals, litter boxes without lids and flaps are the right choice. With a closed litter box, it is essential to ensure good air circulation. Cats are sensitive to odors and will refuse litter boxes where the “steam” cannot escape properly.
Equally important as ventilation is freedom of movement. Cats do not want to use litter boxes that are too small. They need to be able to turn around in the litter box to bury their waste properly and thoroughly. Some cats also want to avoid their waste or want to place their bowel movements in different corners. Some male cats are “stand-up urinators” who require a special height for this type of toileting.
We’ve provided our Gisela with two litter boxes: an open one and a closed one. Strangely enough, she uses them differently: the open one for urinating, the closed one for doing her business. If you have the opportunity, try it out and let the animal decide.
Proper cleaning
Cats are very clean animals, so the litter box should be cleaned daily. Some cats won’t use the litter box again until their last bowel movement has been eliminated. Here, too, it’s important to observe the cat to find the right cleaning routine.
The optimal number
In nature, cats don’t always go to the same place to do their business. Given this, the rule of thumb is to install one more litter box than the number of cats living in the household.
The cat refuses to use the toilet
If you follow all the tips and your cat still refuses to use the litter box, you should first consult your veterinarian to determine if there’s a physical cause, such as a bladder infection. Then you’ll need to consider other possibilities. One reason for not using the right litter box could be the wrong type of cat litter. More on this in my next post.

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