+49 9571 9400 117 info@pet-interiors.com

Dog cookies that are also very tasty for cats


  • 200 g wholemeal spelt flour
  • 50 g soft rolled oats
  • 40 g grated cheese, e.g. Pecorino or Parmesan
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 eggs



Mix the flour with the rolled oats and cheese. Mix the butter with the olive oil and eggs until creamy and then knead in the flour mixture until you have a smooth dough that is easy to roll out. Cut out shapes from the dough or simply cut diamonds. The pieces should be quite small for the cat, as the cookie is difficult to break into small pieces when baked. Bake in the oven at 180° for about 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Leave the cookies to dry out well overnight and then store in a tin in a dry place.
  • The recipe makes approx. 350 g of cookies.
  • The cookies will keep for at least 8 weeks.

PS: The recipe is originally for dogs. Our cat Gisela reacted very passionately to the cookies and now always gets her own portion baked.

The Dachshund

Dachshund lady Josefine and Dachshund male Ule enjoy our designer dog baskets

To better understand the nature and character of the Dachshund, you should know that it was originally bred for hunting underground. Among other things, they were used to hunt badgers, which are superior to dachshunds as predators. This resulted in its combative, self-confident and decisive nature.

The Dachshund’s body shape is characterized by short legs and an elongated body shape. Extensive jumping and agility as a dog sport are not recommended for the Dachshund’s long back.

The character of the Dachshund can be easily deduced from its original area of use. Its self-confident demeanor recommends consistent training from puppyhood onwards. When interacting with other dogs, Dachshunds often show little respect, even towards larger, stronger dogs. Motivation and consistency are the key to success when training Dachshunds, but they should still be given a certain amount of freedom.

His passion for digging is legendary and a place of his own in the garden to indulge his passion is actually part of a species-appropriate attitude.
The Dachshund will become a family dog if it grows up with children and does not have any negative experiences. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to leave dogs and small children alone, especially if they are unfamiliar to the animal.

The terms rough-haired, short-haired and long-haired dachshund describe the coat texture.



The different types of Dachshund refer to the size of the dogs




  • Dachshund: largest dachshund breed, chest circumference approx. 35-40 cm
  • Miniature dachshund: chest circumference approx. 30-35 cm
  • Rabbit dachshund: Chest circumference max. 30 cm


Facts about the Dachshund

  • Life expectancy approx. 14 to 17 years
  • Urge to move medium
  • Training effort high,
  • Low grooming effort
  • Time expenditure high

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a lively, alert dog. It is very agile, although it has a muscular and compact build. Its bat ears and short tail also characterize it, as does a broad and angular head with a blunt-nosed face. The face of this dog breed is characterized by numerous wrinkles on the forehead, nose and zygomatic arches. The coat is short-haired and easy to care for. They do not tolerate blazing sun, extreme heat and cold.

The nature of the French Bulldog is sociable, friendly and cheerful. They are calm, self-confident and sensitive companion dogs, but at the same time playful, sporty and alert. Keeping them in kennels is completely unsuitable for this breed. They need unrestricted attention and love individual contact with their owner.

French Bulldogs do not need much exercise, but are enthusiastic about long walks and are attentive, affectionate companions.



Facts about the French Bulldog

  • High urge to move
  • Colors: fawn, brindle, piebald
  • Function: companion and guard dog
  • Weight: 8 – 14 kg
  • Height: approx. 36 cm
  • Life expectancy: approx. 13 – 15 years

Porkchop & Lambchop in the BOWL designer dog bed

3 Siamese in the cat house

3 siamese in the cat cave

1st day feedback shortly after delivery:
We picked up the cushion this afternoon. As soon as we put it in the Poopoopeedo at home, three of our six cats were already in it.
The fleece fabric is nice and warm, which they love, and the cave itself is also wonderfully warm. Just right for our Siamese. Sometimes it can’t be warm enough. The latex cushion makes a high-quality impression on me. So, like our cats, I am completely satisfied!


Day 2:
It’s absolutely conceivable that there are cat magnets in the cushions, because so far the cats haven’t been able to get out :-)) Wonderful!
By the way, I’ve been browsing your website for a while because I had my eye on the cat cuddle bag, but then I decided to focus on converting the Poopoopeedo. So you will definitely be hearing from me again.


Day 3:
I don’t think I need to mention that the three of them are back (or still) in the den, sleeping and snoring :-)) In the meantime, I even have to put their food bowl inside. Well, what don’t you do…..