Baking dog biscuits yourself is not a big effort. …
Dog cookies that are also very tasty for cats

- 200 g wholemeal spelt flour
- 50 g soft rolled oats
- 40 g grated cheese, e.g. Pecorino or Parmesan
- 50 g butter
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 eggs
Mix the flour with the rolled oats and cheese. Mix the butter with the olive oil and eggs until creamy and then knead in the flour mixture until you have a smooth dough that is easy to roll out. Cut out shapes from the dough or simply cut diamonds. The pieces should be quite small for the cat, as the cookie is difficult to break into small pieces when baked. Bake in the oven at 180° for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Leave the cookies to dry out well overnight and then store in a tin in a dry place.
- The recipe makes approx. 350 g of cookies.
- The cookies will keep for at least 8 weeks.
PS: The recipe is originally for dogs. Our cat Gisela reacted very passionately to the cookies and now always gets her own portion baked.

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