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Cats and the heat – cooling down your furry friend

In the heat of summer, a cool shady spot under trees is ideal for your house cat.
Cats and heat. How do I cool down my cat?
As descendants of steppe dwellers, our cats love warmth and summer. Unlike their ancestors, heat is not all that good for your cat. Hot summer days are a big challenge for your house cat. You can read here how you can make life bearable for your house cat in summer and cool down your cat.
How do cats cope with high temperatures?
As a rule, cats react to heat with lethargy. They move much less in hot weather and look for a cool, shady place to retreat to. This only helps to a limited extent when it is too hot. Cats have far fewer sweat glands than humans and therefore cannot regulate their heat balance by sweating. Like dogs, cats try to cool down by panting. They also groom themselves more often because saliva moistens their fur and provides evaporative cooling.
Our tips will help you to make your house cat as comfortable as possible in hot temperatures.
Keep your fur moist to keep cool.
As already mentioned, cats use the evaporative coolness of their saliva to cool down. Help your house cat by moistening a washcloth and stroking your cat’s fur. It also helps to stroke the cat with wet hands every now and then. The positive side effect is that the cat grooms itself less and loses less fluid through saliva.
Make sure there is a shady and cool place.
Outdoor cats will independently find suitable, shady places to retreat to in the garden. It is a little more difficult for house cats in the house. A cool place in the basement or on the tiles in the bathroom is a good option. There are also special cooling mats for animals. These are self-cooling and dissipate heat very well. Airing out in the early morning and late evening also helps to cool down the living room. Shade the apartment during the day with roller shutters and blinds. Ideally, your house cat has a balcony secured with a net, where it can find a shady spot under plants. Please pay attention to the plants, as many of the widely used ornamental plants are poisonous to our cats. Here you will find an article on the subject of poisonous plants and a list to download. Setting up fans is not suitable. Cats can quickly catch conjunctivitis from the constant draft.
Adjust the outdoor time to the outside temperature.
If possible, cats should stay indoors during the worst of the midday heat. The risk of suffering heat stroke or sunburn is greatest in the strong summer heat at midday. If possible, make sure that your cat only stays outside in the early morning and late evening. Most house cats sort this out on their own, just make sure that the cat has access to a cool place in the house at all times.
How do I recognize heat stroke in my cat?
If the body temperature rises above 39°C and the animal shows restless behavior, this indicates heat stroke. Dark red gums, heavy panting and apathetic lying on the stomach are further signs. If you see these signs, you should see a vet immediately.
The right food is also important so that the cat can tolerate heat better.
As is well known, cats don’t like to drink much. That’s why it’s advisable to offer wet food on hot days. This will help with fluid intake. During particularly hot days, your house cat needs less food than usual, as calorie consumption drops due to reduced physical activity. Give your pet food in small portions spread out over the day. Clear away any leftovers straight away. The food spoils quickly on hot days and you will otherwise attract flies.
How do I encourage my cat to drink?
Drinking on hot days is much more important than the right food. To ensure that the cat drinks enough fluids, place lots of water bowls in and around the house and apartment. If your cat doesn’t like drinking, you can put some tuna infusion in the water bowl to add flavor. Unseasoned chicken broth also flavors the water and encourages drinking. Some house cats love to drink from indoor fountains or the faucet. A water fountain in the living room also ensures a good indoor climate.
Are insects and parasites more dangerous in summer?
Check your outdoor cat daily and remove ticks, fleas or mites immediately. Other insects are also unpleasant in summer. But don’t use insecticides because cats are very sensitive to insecticides. It’s better to equip your home with fly screens to keep the stinging pests outside.

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