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Which cat is best suited to me?

tabby domestic cat in portrait

House cat Gisela is a typical shelter cat.

The decision has been made: a cat should enrich our lives and move in. But which cat breed is best suited to me? Each breed has different personality traits and needs. It’s important to carefully consider what conditions I can offer a cat. What do I expect from living with my new roommate? Because one thing is clear: not every cat breed is right for everyone.

Before your house cat moves in with you, you should consider whether you can meet the needs of the particular cat breed. Some breeds are very independent and freedom-loving, while others are calm and happy as indoor cats. Also, think carefully about what type of cat you’re actually looking for.


Answering these questions honestly will help you narrow down the cat breeds that are right for you.

How much space do I have?

If you live in a city apartment without a balcony or garden, quiet, people-oriented breeds such as the Ragdoll or Bombay are suitable. These are relatively quiet indoor cats with smooth and elegant movements. They are considered friendly, even-tempered, curious, and affectionate. They can follow people everywhere and are well-suited to children.

Ragdolls - cat race

Ragdolls are very people-oriented and are well suited to a city apartment.

Can I offer my cat free access?

If you can allow your cat to roam freely, a Norwegian Forest Cat, a European Shorthair, or a traditional domestic cat is more suitable. These active and freedom-loving animals love to roam in the garden and outdoors and lead an independent cat life. They have a great temperament and retain their playful nature well into old age.

How much time do I have and how much of it do I spend at home?

Many cats enjoy being in company and hate being alone. If no one in your household is at home all day to talk to, it’s advisable to keep a second or more cats. The Siamese or Balinese prefers to spend time with its feeder rather than with other cats. This breed of cat is very affectionate and reluctant to share attention with other creatures. They are strong-willed and assertive. They must be able to devote plenty of time to care and attention. Grooming long-haired cats like the Persian is just as time-consuming. Daily, thorough grooming is necessary and time-consuming.

Siamese cats with designer bed from pet.interiors

Siamese cats are considered to be entertaining cats and enjoy talking to their owners.

Which character trait is important?

The decision should definitely not be based on appearance, but rather on the personality traits the new pet brings to the table. A lively and adaptable breed like the Selkirk Rex, Ocicat, or Singapura thrives in a lively family. If you lead a quiet, stress-free, and structured life, the Korat, Snowshoe, and Nebelung are the right companions.

How much experience do I have with cats?

If you’re new to cats, you should choose a sociable breed like the German Angora or the Raga Muffin. In that case, it’s not advisable to choose a Balinese or Russian Blue. These breeds are considered stubborn and not suitable for beginners.

Purebred Russian Blue cat in designer cat basket | pet.interiors

The Russian Blue cat is not a good choice as a beginner’s cat.

How much communication is possible with a cat?

You should also consider whether you want a cat that communicates with you. A Siamese or Sokoke is considered quite talkative. If you’re bothered by constant meowing and whining, you might want to opt for a quiet Devon Rex or Siberian cat.

Domestic cat or would you prefer a pedigree cat?

Domestic cats are considered to be healthy and less susceptible to disease. The selection of colors and patterns is large and varied. When you give a new home to a feline from a shelter, you’re also doing a good deed. There are countless domestic cats, including kittens, waiting in shelters for their beloved pet. Domestic cats generally have a strong desire for freedom, which they enjoy pursuing in a garden or in nature.

Pedigree cats, on the other hand, require more care and are more susceptible to breed-specific illnesses. It’s all the more easy to assess their character traits before purchasing. A breeder must be chosen carefully to avoid falling victim to a seller who engages in illegal breeding or unscrupulous breeding.


House cat Fynn with beautiful markings

Fynn is a beautiful house cat with great markings.

If everything is right, then living together will be great!

Consider all important factors such as space, time, environment, temperament, and noise level. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. A temperamental cat in a much too small apartment, or a reserved animal in a noisy extended family, won’t be happy. Cats can react aggressively or apathetically to the wrong living conditions, which in turn makes the cat owner unhappy.

A well-considered choice of cat that perfectly fits your living situation will enrich your life indescribably. They will quickly become very good friends and remain so for life.

Weimaraner with Norwegian Forest Cats

If everything is correct, they can even live together with Weimaraners and Norwegian Forest Cats.

What is a good cat basket?

What is a good cat basket?

As cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, the cat basket should be an ideal place for your cat to sleep and retreat. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to good features and criteria when buying. …

What is a good cat basket?

Exclusive designer cat basket RONDO made of leather | pet.interiors

The most important criteria for choosing a cat basket.

Since cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, the cat basket should be an ideal place for your cat to sleep and retreat. It is therefore important to pay attention to good features and criteria when buying. To ensure that your cat likes the place to sleep, the cat basket must first and foremost ensure that your cat feels comfortable. Ideally, you should offer your cat several sleeping places to choose from.


These are the most important factors when choosing a cat basket:

  • Is the cat comfortable in the cat basket?
  • Does the cat feel comfortable in its cat basket?
  • What size should I look for when choosing a cat basket?
  • How easy is the cat basket to clean?
  • What materials are used to make the cat basket?
  • Does the manufacturer of the cat basket have good references?
  • Are there suitable accessories for the cat basket?
  • Does the cat basket look good?
  • What happens if the cat does not accept the basket?
Liegt die Katze bequem im Katzenkorb?

Whether the cat lies comfortably in its cat basket depends primarily on the lying surface. The cat basket should have a cushion with healthy lying properties. It is important that the cushion material does not sag over time. It should be a point-elastic, healthy filling so that the spine and joints are supported. Good cat cushions, e.g. those filled with latex, usually keep this promise for the cat’s entire life.

Exclusive designer cat basket BOWL made of felt | pet.interiors

Customer image: Cat basket BOWL in felt with latex cushion

Does the cat feel comfortable in its cat basket?

Whether the cat feels comfortable in your cat basket depends on the location and the materials used. Basically, the sleeping place should be warm and in a protected place. Your house cat wants to sleep in peace and also retreat to be alone from time to time. The optimal location depends on the cat’s preference. Some cats love to sleep a little higher up so they can keep an overview. Other animals that are not so mobile are happy if the basket is placed in a somewhat protected place next to the sofa or in a small alcove.
If you have several cats, there should be plenty of sleeping options available. The cats will certainly sleep together in a basket, but every now and then the animals want a place to retreat to all by themselves. If you only have one animal, you can also provide it with an alternative place to sleep.
Cat caves offer a well-protected, warm and undisturbed oasis of well-being. Cat houses made of felt are particularly recommended for anxious and noise-sensitive animals.
A drafty, busy place like the hallway is not suitable for a place to relax.

Cats love it soft, warm, cozy and, above all, clean. Therefore, the materials used should correspond to these preferences. Baskets with comfortable cushions (e.g. made of fleece, brushed cotton…) and with a cozy outer cover (e.g. felt) are ideal. Plastic cat baskets are not suitable as a place to sleep.


Felt cat caves - design for cats - pet.interiors.de

Designer cat house made of felt with latex cushions (from left to right: Berta, Mood, Pina).

What size should I pay attention to when choosing a cat basket?

A cat basket should be large enough for the cat to lie comfortably stretched out in it. Depending on its condition, the time of day and its inclination, the cat will sleep curled up tightly or stretched out in its basket. The cat bed should be large enough for both lying positions.

Design cat basket made of felt | pet.interiors

Customer photo: Little MAU is sleeping visibly relaxed!

How easy is the cat basket to clean?

Cats love cleanliness. When buying a basket, make sure it is easy to clean. Ideally, the cushion cover or the entire basket can be machine washed so that the sleeping area is always clean. Some manufacturers offer replacement covers. This way, the cat bed is easy to clean and has a fresh cover.

Exclusive designer cat basket MILA in imitation leather | pet.interiors

Customer image: MILA cat basket in imitation leather is easy to clean and beautiful.

What materials are used to make the cat basket?

When buying, pay attention to where it is produced and whether the materials used are of natural origin. You should also check whether all materials are Oeko-Tex certified. This way you can be sure that your cat is sleeping in a bed that is free of harmful substances.

Exclusive designer cat basket SIRO | pet.interiors

Customer photo: Eldorado is very satisfied with his cat basket SIRO „Handmade in Germany“.

Does the manufacturer of the cat basket have good references?

Take a look at the reviews and references of the manufacturer. There you can get an idea of ​​how cats have reacted to the baskets and cushions on offer. On these pages you can find out a lot about the manufacturer. Is the manufacturer well established in the market, competent in pet products and a good contact for questions about cat beds?

Are there suitable accessories for the cat basket?

If you can buy additional pillows, pillowcases, etc., this has the advantage that you don’t have to replace the entire cat basket if necessary. You can also keep the basket clean with an additional pillowcase.

Does the cat basket look good?

The look of the cat basket is only of interest to you. Your cat will not care about the shape and color. You choose the design that best suits you and your living conditions. Your furry friend will only care about comfort.

Exclusive designer cat basket RONDO in felt and leather | pet.interiors

Customer images: Design cat basket RONDO in felt & leather | Nominated for the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany.

What happens if the cat doesn't accept the basket?

Generally speaking, cats are very curious and like to try out new things. Once they have discovered the advantages of the cat basket, they will accept it. Sometimes, however, it takes a little patience until a new cat basket is taken over by the house cat. You can give it a helping hand by sprinkling some catnip or valerian in the cat basket. House cats are magically attracted to it. In an emergency, good retailers will take back unused cat baskets without hesitation.

Getting dogs and cats used to each other

Tips for a relaxed coexistence.

Weimaraner bitch has adopted the kitten.

Weimaraner bitch has adopted the kitten.

Despite all the prejudices and common clichés, dogs and cats can become good friends. To ensure that they live together peacefully under one roof, they must be carefully introduced to each other. I have put together a few tips here on how to best bring these two different personalities together.

General information on merging

The best conditions for bringing the two together are when neither the dog nor the cat has had any unpleasant experiences with the other breed. This is easiest when both are young animals. The most important thing is that the dog recognizes the cat as a member of the pack and does not see it as potential prey. Since dogs are pack animals, it is easier to integrate a cat into a dog household than the other way around. Cats are very territorial animals who do not like to tolerate an intruder in their kingdom. A lot of understanding and, above all, patience is required. With a few good tips and a lot of patience, you can easily get used to them slowly.

The preparations

It helps if the personalities of the dog and cat are compatible. A lively dog ​​is better suited to a cat with a high level of self-confidence than a shy or fearful animal. Older animals are best suited to calm and equally old newcomers. A puppy gets along better with a young cat so that neither side is suppressed. When the dog is fully grown, it should be paired with a cat that is at least 4 months old.

Dog and cat, an inseparable couple! | pet.interiors

Kaja and Wilma, an inseparable couple!

The first odor habituation

Let the animal living in your household lie on a blanket for a few days so that the blanket absorbs the animal’s scent. Bring the blanket to the new arrival so that it can get used to the animal’s scent. To help the cat get used to the sound of barking, you can record the dog barking and play it to the cat, first quietly and then a little louder.

The move

To ensure that the newcomer settles in well, there should be a spatial separation during the first few days. It is best to prepare a separate room in which the newcomer can spend the first few days. Equip the room with a food and water bowl, a place to sleep and, for cats, a toilet. The gap in the door allows both to get used to each other’s smell without having to meet directly. The older resident should also not be neglected to avoid causing jealousy. When the long-time resident is out of the house, the newcomer can move around the house freely to familiarize himself with the new living situation.

Intimate togetherness on the exclusive dog cushion | made by pet.interiors

Intimate togetherness on the designer dog cushion | made by pet.interiors

The first meeting

The most important thing is that you are relaxed and calm when you first meet them. Your excitement will be transferred to the animals. If you are relaxed, the animals will be too. Feed both animals enough. Both are happier and calmer with a full stomach. And give the dog plenty of exercise before the first meeting, which is also relaxing. Two people who are familiar with the animals should accompany the animals. One looks after the dog, the other looks after the cat, which makes the first meeting much easier. While the two animals get to know each other, every positive behavior is reinforced with a treat. The animal is stroked and calmed down.

You can use catnip or cat pheromones to calm the cat. Many animals react well to these substances and adopt a relaxed attitude. Under no circumstances should you lock the animal in its transport box, as it has no escape there. An elevated location, e.g. a table, a shelf or a scratching post, gives the cat security. It can avoid the dog, watch calmly from above and does not feel threatened. She always has an escape route upstairs and does not feel cornered or panic.

The dog should be on a leash. It is quite possible that he sees the cat as prey. Make it clear to the dog with a clear “no” that such behavior is absolutely undesirable. Under no circumstances should there be a chase, as this would make it very difficult to get used to it. If the dog starts barking or pulling, he is distracted with a toy or a treat. If he calms down, he is praised extensively. If the dog does not calm down, you must stop the encounter.

Be aware that getting used to it can be exhausting and time-consuming. Setbacks are normal and the animals always determine the length of the acclimation phase. Do not dramatize fake attacks, but communicate clearly and unambiguously that such behavior will not be tolerated. During and after the encounters, praise both animals extensively and play with them. Then take the dog for a walk. Lighten up the encounters and make them a positive experience with treats and petting.

End the first meeting after about 10 minutes, that’s enough for now. If one of the animals appears very nervous, aggressive, excited or anxious, you should stop immediately. Be careful not to overwhelm the animals.


A Weimaraner with 4 little kittens!

A Weimaraner with 4 little kittens!

Continue practicing

You can repeat these meetings every other day, then more often until the animals have become accustomed to each other and respect each other. During these meetings you should be attentive and carry on with your normal everyday routine. The animals should notice that this contact is completely normal. You should maintain your usual daily routine, this gives the dog and cat additional security.

Separate food bowls

To avoid food jealousy and the associated stress between dog and cat, it is a good idea to separate the feeding places. Cats feel safe in elevated locations. Therefore, you can move the feeding place to a shelf or window sill, preferably in another room. If the cat is a long-established animal, you must first get the animal used to the new feeding place, because cats hate change! By placing treats at the new feeding place more often, you can slowly get the cat used to the new place. After a few days, you can test whether the new feeding place is accepted.

The litter box

Cats need their privacy and want to do their business undisturbed. Unfortunately, dogs are usually very interested in the litter box, dig in it passionately and like to eat cat feces. It is best to place the litter box out of reach of the dog so that the cat can do its business undisturbed and does not react by being dirty.

If you follow all of these tips, nothing should stand in the way of a peaceful coexistence sooner or later.

Tell us about your experiences. We are always happy to receive feedback.


Pug and kitten love each other deeply. | pet.interiors

Pug and kitten love each other deeply.

Divan cat cushion

Feedback from a satisfied customer

This customer letter, including the pictures, arrived today by mail and made us extremely happy:

Dear pet.interiors team,

Many thanks on behalf of my 4 cats for the great Divan cat cushion and the replacement cover. We were all very happy about it and tried everything out straight away. As always, the best quality and excellent comfort…

Just the right thing for my gang, as three of the four are already over 10 years old and practically in advanced cat age. Their bones can get achy sometimes. And since a cat sleeps almost all day, it should also be comfortable to lie on. My Lucky had a slipped disc a year ago and had to be operated on. She particularly enjoys the comfort of the cat bed.

The youngest of the family, Mikesch II, also appreciates the advantages of the cushions. He has the most space as a “half portion”. He immediately noticed that you can sleep particularly well on them.


Divan Uno cat cushion indoors, with two of my cats.

The cat beds are also very visually appealing. The wide range of colors means there is something to suit every taste and every home decor.

I placed the first two cat cushions outside in the garden and must say that they held up very well despite wind and weather. The covers are very easy to wash, especially if you have covers to change :-). The sun has faded the color a little, but evenly and so it was not noticeable. Since the cushions are actually only intended for the inside of the house, I have repurposed them for a different purpose. But the cats loved the cushions. Especially on colder evenings, because the covers are cozy and warm.

I didn’t wash the inner cushion with its contents; to be honest, I didn’t dare to do that because the washing machine was so full with the large cushions that I took the cushion out again. I was afraid that the water would have run out of space in the drum. But washing the covers is completely sufficient.

Customer's foto - Cat cushion Divan Uno - pet.interiors

The Divan cat cushion is ideal for outdoor use.

I am very happy with your cat cushions, they look very nice and are well received. Even though they are expensive, they are worth every euro! I am sure that I am making a valuable contribution to the health of my cats, because lying down in a way that is gentle on the joints is good for everyone. And if the cat is happy, then the owner is happy too!

With that in mind, thank you again for the great service and the wonderful products. And all of this on behalf of Kimba, Blacky, Lucky and Mikesch II. And on behalf of the neighbors’ sparrows, who sometimes lie on them when no one is looking.



Best regards

Divan cat cushion

Feedback from a satisfied customer

This customer letter, including the pictures, arrived in the mail today and made us extremely happy:

Dear pet.interiors team,

Thank you very much also on behalf of my 4 cats for the great divan cat cushion and the replacement cover. We were all very happy about it and tested everything straight away. As always, best quality and outstanding comfort…

Exactly the right thing for my rascals, as three of the four are already over 10 years old and are basically in advanced cat age. There’s a pinching and aching in your bones. And since a cat sleeps almost all day, it should also lie comfortably. My Lucky had a herniated disc a year ago and had to have surgery. She particularly enjoys the comfort of the cat bed.

The youngest cat, Mikesch II, also appreciates the advantages of the pillows. It has the most space as a “half portion”. She immediately noticed that it was particularly easy to sleep on.


Cat cushion Divan Uno indoors, with two of my cats.

The cat beds are also very visually appealing. Thanks to the wide range of colors, there is something to suit every taste and every home furnishing.

I placed the first two cat cushions outside in the garden and I have to say that they held up very well despite the wind and weather. The covers are very easy to wash, especially if you have covers to change :-). The sun has faded the color a bit, but it’s even and so it’s not noticeable. Since the cushions are actually only intended for the inside of the house, I used them for a slightly different purpose. But the cats loved the pillows. Especially on colder evenings, because the covers are cozy and warm.

I didn’t wash the inner pillow and its contents; to be honest, I didn’t dare do that because the washing machine was so full with the large pillows that I had to take the pillow out again. I was afraid that there would be no room for the water in the drum. But washing the covers is enough.

Cat cushion Divan

The Divan cat cushion is ideal for outdoor use.

I am very happy with your cat cushions, they look very nice and are well received. Even if they have a price, they are worth every euro! I am sure that I am making a valuable contribution to the health of my cats, because lying down in a way that is gentle on their joints is good for everyone. And if the cat is happy – then the person is happy too!

With this in mind, thank you again for the great service and the wonderful products. And all of this in the name of Kimba, Blacky, Lucky and Mikesch II. And in the name of the neighboring sparrows, who sometimes lie on it when no one is looking.​



Best regards