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Which cat is best suited to me?

tabby domestic cat in portrait

House cat Gisela is a typical shelter cat.

The decision has been made: a cat should enrich our lives and move in. But which cat breed is best suited to me? Each breed has different personality traits and needs. It’s important to carefully consider what conditions I can offer a cat. What do I expect from living with my new roommate? Because one thing is clear: not every cat breed is right for everyone.

Before your house cat moves in with you, you should consider whether you can meet the needs of the particular cat breed. Some breeds are very independent and freedom-loving, while others are calm and happy as indoor cats. Also, think carefully about what type of cat you’re actually looking for.


Answering these questions honestly will help you narrow down the cat breeds that are right for you.

How much space do I have?

If you live in a city apartment without a balcony or garden, quiet, people-oriented breeds such as the Ragdoll or Bombay are suitable. These are relatively quiet indoor cats with smooth and elegant movements. They are considered friendly, even-tempered, curious, and affectionate. They can follow people everywhere and are well-suited to children.

Ragdolls - cat race

Ragdolls are very people-oriented and are well suited to a city apartment.

Can I offer my cat free access?

If you can allow your cat to roam freely, a Norwegian Forest Cat, a European Shorthair, or a traditional domestic cat is more suitable. These active and freedom-loving animals love to roam in the garden and outdoors and lead an independent cat life. They have a great temperament and retain their playful nature well into old age.

How much time do I have and how much of it do I spend at home?

Many cats enjoy being in company and hate being alone. If no one in your household is at home all day to talk to, it’s advisable to keep a second or more cats. The Siamese or Balinese prefers to spend time with its feeder rather than with other cats. This breed of cat is very affectionate and reluctant to share attention with other creatures. They are strong-willed and assertive. They must be able to devote plenty of time to care and attention. Grooming long-haired cats like the Persian is just as time-consuming. Daily, thorough grooming is necessary and time-consuming.

Siamese cats with designer bed from pet.interiors

Siamese cats are considered to be entertaining cats and enjoy talking to their owners.

Which character trait is important?

The decision should definitely not be based on appearance, but rather on the personality traits the new pet brings to the table. A lively and adaptable breed like the Selkirk Rex, Ocicat, or Singapura thrives in a lively family. If you lead a quiet, stress-free, and structured life, the Korat, Snowshoe, and Nebelung are the right companions.

How much experience do I have with cats?

If you’re new to cats, you should choose a sociable breed like the German Angora or the Raga Muffin. In that case, it’s not advisable to choose a Balinese or Russian Blue. These breeds are considered stubborn and not suitable for beginners.

Purebred Russian Blue cat in designer cat basket | pet.interiors

The Russian Blue cat is not a good choice as a beginner’s cat.

How much communication is possible with a cat?

You should also consider whether you want a cat that communicates with you. A Siamese or Sokoke is considered quite talkative. If you’re bothered by constant meowing and whining, you might want to opt for a quiet Devon Rex or Siberian cat.

Domestic cat or would you prefer a pedigree cat?

Domestic cats are considered to be healthy and less susceptible to disease. The selection of colors and patterns is large and varied. When you give a new home to a feline from a shelter, you’re also doing a good deed. There are countless domestic cats, including kittens, waiting in shelters for their beloved pet. Domestic cats generally have a strong desire for freedom, which they enjoy pursuing in a garden or in nature.

Pedigree cats, on the other hand, require more care and are more susceptible to breed-specific illnesses. It’s all the more easy to assess their character traits before purchasing. A breeder must be chosen carefully to avoid falling victim to a seller who engages in illegal breeding or unscrupulous breeding.


House cat Fynn with beautiful markings

Fynn is a beautiful house cat with great markings.

If everything is right, then living together will be great!

Consider all important factors such as space, time, environment, temperament, and noise level. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. A temperamental cat in a much too small apartment, or a reserved animal in a noisy extended family, won’t be happy. Cats can react aggressively or apathetically to the wrong living conditions, which in turn makes the cat owner unhappy.

A well-considered choice of cat that perfectly fits your living situation will enrich your life indescribably. They will quickly become very good friends and remain so for life.

Weimaraner with Norwegian Forest Cats

If everything is correct, they can even live together with Weimaraners and Norwegian Forest Cats.

What is a good cat basket?

What is a good cat basket?

As cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, the cat basket should be an ideal place for your cat to sleep and retreat. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to good features and criteria when buying. …

3 Siamese in the cat house

3 siamese in the cat cave

1st day feedback shortly after delivery:
We picked up the cushion this afternoon. As soon as we put it in the Poopoopeedo at home, three of our six cats were already in it.
The fleece fabric is nice and warm, which they love, and the cave itself is also wonderfully warm. Just right for our Siamese. Sometimes it can’t be warm enough. The latex cushion makes a high-quality impression on me. So, like our cats, I am completely satisfied!


Day 2:
It’s absolutely conceivable that there are cat magnets in the cushions, because so far the cats haven’t been able to get out :-)) Wonderful!
By the way, I’ve been browsing your website for a while because I had my eye on the cat cuddle bag, but then I decided to focus on converting the Poopoopeedo. So you will definitely be hearing from me again.


Day 3:
I don’t think I need to mention that the three of them are back (or still) in the den, sleeping and snoring :-)) In the meantime, I even have to put their food bowl inside. Well, what don’t you do…..

How do I keep my pet cat busy?

How do I keep my indoor cat occupied?

In the wild, cats keep themselves busy. They watch birds and hunt for mice and other prey. They never get bored and can really let off steam.

The indoor cat is different. To prevent your cat from getting bored, we give you tips and tricks on how to keep your cat sufficiently occupied.

Aussichtsplattform für Hauskatze

Cats keep themselves busy in the wild, but they find it much more difficult to do so indoors. To prevent your cat from getting bored, we give you the best tips and tricks in our article to keep your cat occupied.

Great ideas for spending time together.

Unfortunately, indoor cats do not have the opportunity to let off steam in the great outdoors. A responsible cat owner should therefore spend time with their cat at least once a day. If your cat is underchallenged, aggressive behavior can develop. In addition, boredom is not good for your cat’s health.

The easiest way to keep your 4-legged friend busy is to choose the right cat toy. We offer cat toys made of felt. Our felt cats and mice scamper silently across all smooth floors and are particularly suitable for sensitive cats. It doesn’t matter whether they are toys from specialist shops, home-made intelligence toys or clicker training for cats. Small colorful balls, special fishing rods with rustling ribbons or glittering feathers attached to them are a wonderful invitation to romp around. Our cat Gisela, for example, loves to chase after little paper balls, which she then retrieves very well. Maybe she is a dog after all, trapped in the body of a house cat 🙂

Keep the house tiger busy when it is home alone.


Boredom is always greater alone than in pairs. When buying a cat, consider whether you would rather have two. If they are siblings and from the same litter, they will get along well right from the start. If there are enough toys available for both animals, the cats can keep themselves perfectly occupied on their own.

Observation point

Cats are very curious by nature. They want to discover and see. Many house pets can keep themselves occupied if they can observe their surroundings outside the home from an observation point. It doesn’t matter whether they are looking at cars, other animals or people. The movement is crucial. Set up a comfortable observation post for your cat (e.g. our Rondo Stand) where it can lie protected and watch undisturbed.

Hide and seek

Small cat cushions filled with catnip or valerian are an irresistible lure for cats. Hide a few of these small cushions around the house and your cat will be busy searching for a while.

Rummage box

For people who are not so handy, a rummage box for cats is quick to make. You will need a box made of sturdy cardboard or plastic and fill it with chestnuts, table tennis balls, newspaper, leaves, pine cones, pieces of bark or, or, or. It is important that the objects are too big to swallow. Then hide some of your cat’s favorite treats in the box and the search can begin.



If your cat is at home alone for long periods of time, it is important that it has enough food as well as something to do. Always provide your cat with enough water and food.
A regularly cleaned litter tray is a matter of course. For better cleanliness, we always recommend one more litter tray than there are cats in the household. This means at least two litter trays for one cat.

It is also essential to ensure that there are no indoor plants in the house that are poisonous to cats. You can find a detailed article on “Plants poisonous to cats” here.

What is a good cat basket?

What is a good cat basket?

As cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, the cat basket should be an ideal place for your cat to sleep and retreat. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to good features and criteria when buying. …

A cat moves in – the best tips for settling in

The time has finally come: a cat is moving in. You can look forward to some intense and exciting weeks. Whether it’s a kitten or an old cat, a pedigree cat from a breeder or from animal welfare, the new family member will take your heart and your home together by storm.
It is difficult to give precise instructions on how to acclimatize a cat. There are great settling-in tips on how to prepare for the arrival of a kitten. With our experience, the settling-in phase will go smoothly.

A cat moves in - the best tips for settling in

3 little Kittens in Credo Cat Basket

How old should the cat be when it moves in?

In order to experience good socialization, a kitten should live with its mother and siblings for at least 12 weeks. Researchers at the University of Helsinki have found that cats should live with their mother and siblings for the first 13 weeks. Then they develop into friendlier creatures with fewer behavioral problems. It therefore pays to wait patiently for the cat to move in.
However, the separation from mother and siblings should not be underestimated. The separation is not easy for the young kitten and the mother. To give the kitten some comfort in its new home, it is advisable to prepare a blanket that smells of its mother and siblings. You can bring the blanket together with the mother and siblings for some time so that the scent is transferred. The blanket will help to calm the little kitten in its new home. If possible, adopt two kittens from the same litter. This makes separation easier and most cats love to live with a conspecific.
Conversely, it is a good idea to introduce the cat to your scent before you move in. You can bring the breeder or the owner of the mother cat one of your items of clothing. This will help the kitten get used to your smell.

A cat is moving in: How do I get them used to their new home?

Whether a kitten or an older animal, a cat moving in is exciting for every age group. You can prepare a few things so that the many new impressions don’t overwhelm the cat when it moves in. If possible, prepare a room (not a transit room) in which the new resident can acclimatize alone. Ideally, secure the entrance to the room with a puppy fence or net. After moving in, the cat can observe what is going on without having to leave the room. The cat’s room should have everything the new arrival needs. A litter tray, a cat basket, a scratching area and food and water will be needed when the cat moves in.
As soon as you arrive home with your cat, leave the transport box open in the cat’s room. Ideally, the room should not offer too many hiding places. Leave it up to the kitten to decide when it wants to leave the box. If the new family member still hasn’t ventured out after several hours, you should help. Lure the animal out with a treat or toy. However difficult it may be, give the kitten time. The kitten first has to get used to the new noises, smells and impressions. Cats are curious and will soon explore the room on their own and seek contact with the other housemates. With these settling-in tips, the move in will go smoothly.

How long does it take for a kitten to settle in?

Let the new roommate set the pace. First he has to get used to the unknown people and the unfamiliar surroundings. It is not easy to interpret and assess the new impressions correctly. As soon as the kitten feels safe and secure in the cat room, it will want to explore the rest of the house. Cats also have very different characters. Some are more alert, while other kittens are not so brash. You can be sure that you will soon wish you had a shy representative in the house rather than the extroverted explorer it may have become.
Do not pick up or hold the kitten against its will. Wait patiently for the moment when it comes to you on its own. We are still not allowed to pick up our Gisela after 8 years together. She hates it and doesn’t want to be carried around at all. She comes for cuddles very often, but only when she wants to. Always at the wrong time, of course. And what does the cat lover do then? He takes the time to look after her, of course.
Surround your new arrival with as many things as possible that he knows from his old home. The blanket that smells of his mother and siblings, the same familiar food and cat litter. Do you want to make changes? Do this carefully and only when the cat has already settled in.

A cat moves in: How do I get two cats used to each other?

If the new roommate will be part of a cat community, it makes sense to prepare the existing pack for the arrival of the new member of the same species in good time:

Bring along a sample of the new cat’s scent (blanket, cloth, cushion) so that the animals already living in the household can get used to the new arrival’s scent.
As soon as all the animals in the household have arrived, take turns stroking both animals. Do not wash your hands in between so that the cats’ scents mix.
The room where the first cat prefers to spend time should not be the new cat’s arrival room. The animals should be able to sniff each other first through the puppy gate or partition. Separation also prevents the new arrival from unknowingly entering the territory of the cat already living in the household.
Place the two cats’ food bowls opposite each other, separated by the barrier. This will give the “foreign” smell of the food a positive imprint.
Please pay particular attention to the first cat during the arrival period to avoid jealousy.
If the reunion is imminent, it is important that you are in the same room. If the situation gets out of hand, you can intervene if necessary.

A cat is moving in: What accessories are needed?

Cat litter tray

Normally there should always be one more litter tray than there are cats in the household. It’s best to let the cat decide whether it should be a toilet with a lid or not. Some animals love a cave, which also has the advantage that the smell stays in the toilet. Other cats, however, need the free space above them.
In any case, the lower bowl of the toilet should be relatively high. The litter can be poured in generously and there is still enough space at the top. Because if the cat buries its droppings with passion, not so much litter flies over the edge of the toilet.
There are also different preferences when it comes to litter. Try out what your house cat likes best. Gisela prefers fine clumping litter. When we buy it, we make sure that it does not contain any fragrance additives. We can’t imagine that this strong scent is pleasant for cats’ noses. A carpet under the toilet that picks up the crumbs from the paws has also proved its worth. This way, the cat litter pellets are not carried around the whole apartment.

Scratching post

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a complete scratching post. It is enough if you offer your kitten a surface to scratch on. Whether sisal, needle felt or something similar, you should also test out your cat’s preferences here. The cat will use the scratching surface provided for it if it is comfortable for it. Our first cat, Mrs. Schmitt, preferred needle felt and scratched on nothing else, Gisela only sharpens her claws on sisal.

Sleeping place for the cat

We now know that cats are individualists. Whether a cuddly cave, a cat house or a cat basket is the chosen place to sleep, cats prefer to choose it themselves. Observe the kitten for a while. You will recognize whether it prefers to sleep in seclusion and quietly or at a lofty height with an overview. For a relaxed nap, a cozy cave or a hollow in the pillow may also be an option. Our Gisela is showered with places to sleep and has to work hard for her food as a prototype tester. No matter where we are in the house, she always sleeps near us. In the office alone, she has three pillows and baskets, all of which she sleeps on equally. Of course, this is not necessary for your cat, but it shows that there is not just one favorite place.

Feeding and drinking bowl

For our Gisela, two feeding bowls have proved their worth. One for wet food, which is fed at a certain time of day. A fumble box for dry food, in which food is available throughout the day. However, Gisela has to use skill and patience to get the individual treats out of the fumble box. This keeps her mentally fit, food is not automatically available and has to be worked for.
Place several water bowls in different places, but none next to the food bowl. Cats tend to drink very little. When they feel thirsty, they will prefer to eat rather than quench their thirst. You will be surprised which watering places they prefer.

Transport box

To transport your kitten safely, you need a transport box. It’s up to you whether you want it with the opening facing upwards or forwards.

Food adapted to age

There is food to suit every age. I cook wet food for our Gisela myself and freeze it in portions. She loves it. We buy very different dry food so that she doesn’t get used to one taste. Is the kitten still so small that it can’t cope with the bowl? That’s because it hasn’t figured out the head-bobbing trick yet. You can start feeding with a spoon. Slowly lower the spoon towards the bowl until it is able to eat from the bowl on its own. A small kitten initially needs four to five smaller meals. We have found that cats do not need a feeding time. Dry food, which she has to work for, is always available. Gisela gets wet food once or twice a day. This prevents food cravings and you personally do not have to be at the bowl at a certain time.


Not only long-haired cats need regular grooming, short-haired cats also love to be brushed. For one thing, the winter coat comes off more easily in spring and the cat loses significantly less hair. It has also become a wonderful ritual between us, Gisela loves being stroked with the brush. You can find an article on grooming here.

a cat-shaped toy out of wool felt dashes over the smooth floor

little felt cats are dashing over the floor


It is important to buy or make toys where no parts can come loose and be swallowed by the kitten. Our felt cats are very popular. These run noiselessly over smooth floors and can be maltreated wonderfully.


Here you will find useful tips on how to keep your new cat busy.

What is a good cat basket?

What is a good cat basket?

As cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, the cat basket should be an ideal place for your cat to sleep and retreat. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to good features and criteria when buying. …