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Which plants are poisonous to dogs

puppy with lily of the valley - pet.interiors

Puppies explore their environment with their mouths and are particularly prone to chewing a plant that is poisonous to them.

Many dog owners are not aware of how many plants in our immediate vicinity are poisonous to dogs. A large number of plants in our living space, in the garden and in the wild pose a medium to high risk of poisoning for our pets. The health risk can be very high, especially for puppies who explore their environment with their mouths and teeth. With our article we will inform you about plants that are poisonous to dogs, the most common symptoms of poisoning and emergency measures in the event of plant poisoning.


How can dogs ingest poisonous plants?

  • the dog chews up a poisonous plant (flowers, stem and/or root) and absorbs the poison through the oral mucosa
  • the dog swallows poisonous plant parts
  • the dog has skin contact with the plant poison, e.g. the contact poison of the meadow hogweed, aconite
  • the dog inhales poisonous pollen, which is rare


Information for puppy owners

When a puppy moves in, all plants must be scrutinised. Due to their curiosity and tendency to explore new things with their mouths, all houseplants within reach of the young dog must be checked for their safety. Please do not take any risks and remove all plants that are poisonous to dogs from your living area.

You can find out how to stop your puppy from chewing on objects here.


Plants poisonous to dogs

We have compiled a list of plants that are poisonous to dogs. The list includes house and garden plants that are poisonous to your four-legged friend. We cannot guarantee that the list is complete. In particular, new varieties are constantly coming onto the market that may be poisonous to your pet. If you are unsure whether a plant is poisonous to dogs or not, it is better to remove it and not take any risks.

Download list of poisonous plants


A note on mushrooms

The effect of mushrooms on dogs has not yet been sufficiently researched and is therefore generally not permitted for dogs. What is considered digestible for humans is not necessarily true for dogs. This is shown by the example of chocolate. The active ingredient theobromine contained in chocolate can cause severe poisoning in dogs. As a precaution, remove all mushrooms from your garden.


The dog has poisoned itself

If you see your dog chewing on a poisonous plant, take it away immediately. Offer him a better alternative, a treat, sausage or, if necessary, a steak to swap the “prey”. Telephone your vet immediately to discuss whether you can take emergency measures, such as giving him charcoal tablets. Take the remaining plant parts with you to the vet. They will help you to identify the poison and the countermeasures to be taken immediately.


Symptoms of plant poisoning

  • Apathy shortness of breath
  • Severe and/or bloody diarrhoea
  • Blood in the urine
  • vomiting with or without blood
  • profuse salivation
  • cramps
  • tremors
  • coordination problems, staggering, falling down
  • Pale or blue discoloured oral mucosa
  • Palpitations, cardiac arrhythmia, increased heart rate
  • Shock symptoms
  • Fainting


Transport to the veterinarian

Contact the vet first. Make sure that the practice is open. If your dog is able to walk itself, you should leave it alone. If the effects of the toxins weaken the dog’s circulation and cause the body temperature to drop, keep the animal warm with a blanket. If your dog has convulsions, you must transport it in such a way that it cannot injure itself. If you have no means of transport to the vet and the dog is in danger of dying, call the fire brigade (emergency number 112) and ask for help.


Important information for the vet

The vet needs to know which poisonous plant your dog has ingested. Bring a sample of the poisonous plant with you, if available. It is also important to know when the plant was ingested. What symptoms and behavioural abnormalities does your dog show and how much of the poisonous plant did your dog ingest?


Switzerland, Zurich: Tox Info Suiss
Poison control centre: +41 44 25 15 151
Telephone: +41 44 25 16 666
E-mail: Info [AT] toxi [DOT] ch
Web: toxinfo.ch

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Poison bait – a deadly danger for our dogs

The most important rule is:

Even if there is only the slightest suspicion, do not hesitate and take your dog to the vet immediately.
your dog to the vet immediately. Because if your four-legged friend has really swallowed a poisoned bait, this can cause the first signs of poisoning within a very short time.

The first signs of poisoning can be
– vomiting
– excessive panting
– white salivation
– pale mucous membranes
– altered pupils
– listlessness

Unfortunately, the signs are not always immediately noticeable and much depends on the type of poisonous bait.

Rat poison

The disastrous thing about rat poison is that the first signs may only appear after a few days. Typical signs of poisoning with rat poison are vomiting, tiredness, bloody diarrhoea and a low body temperature. 2-3 days after ingestion of the rat poison, bleeding occurs on mucous membranes and from body orifices and the dog usually dies of organ failure within 3-5 days.

Insecticide slug pellets

Insecticide slug pellets are also often used to poison baits. It works much faster than rat poison and the first symptoms of poisoning can occur after just 30 minutes. Please consult a vet as soon as possible. As soon as the poison has entered the bloodstream, the vet can only provide symptomatic treatment. The perfidious thing about slug pellets is their sweet flavour, which is why dogs and cats like to eat them.


As dog haters will use anything they deem useful for their purposes, baits can also be laced with anaesthetics. If your pet has swallowed one of these baits, signs such as loss of consciousness or staggering will occur within a very short time.

Bait spiked with sharp-edged objects.

If your pet has eaten a bait spiked with nails, razor blades or metal spikes, you will often notice blood in your pet’s mouth. In this case, too, you should make your way to the vet as quickly as possible and, if possible, announce the visit on the way.

Do you suspect poisoning?

1. absolutely refrain from self-medicating.
2. call a vet or veterinary clinic immediately and announce the emergency.
3. take your dog for veterinary treatment immediately and without delay.

Do not self-medicate!

You can find lots of first aid tips for poisoning on the Internet, but most of them are hardly practicable and can even be life-threatening. Please do not make your dog vomit under any circumstances, because if he has swallowed sharp-edged or corrosive substances, his condition could worsen considerably.

The administration of activated charcoal may also cost vital time. Charcoal tablets
bind toxins in the body, but the necessary dosage depends on the dog’s body weight.
body weight of the dog.

In an emergency, every second really counts, so contact a vet immediately
vet immediately and give notice so that you can be treated as quickly as possible. Quick and immediate treatment can save your dog’s life.

Please make a note in your telephone:

Address and telephone numbers of neighbouring vets and veterinary clinics.
Even if you are on holiday, this may save your life.

Poison bait also in your private neighbourhood.

Unfortunately, intentional poisoning of dogs and cats also occurs among neighbours. Neighbours may feel disturbed by the barking of dogs. If dog owners allow their four-legged friend to defecate in the neighbour’s driveway or front garden, trouble is inevitable. Unfortunately, the animal perceived as a nuisance is only a poison bait throw over the garden fence away.

How can I prevent my four-legged friend from ingesting poison bait?

More on this in our next blog post: Can I prevent my dog from eating a poison bait?

Which plants are poisonous for my dog? You can find out more here: