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Dog cookies that are also very tasty for cats


  • 200 g wholemeal spelt flour
  • 50 g soft rolled oats
  • 40 g grated cheese, e.g. Pecorino or Parmesan
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 eggs



Mix the flour with the rolled oats and cheese. Mix the butter with the olive oil and eggs until creamy and then knead in the flour mixture until you have a smooth dough that is easy to roll out. Cut out shapes from the dough or simply cut diamonds. The pieces should be quite small for the cat, as the cookie is difficult to break into small pieces when baked. Bake in the oven at 180° for about 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Leave the cookies to dry out well overnight and then store in a tin in a dry place.
  • The recipe makes approx. 350 g of cookies.
  • The cookies will keep for at least 8 weeks.

PS: The recipe is originally for dogs. Our cat Gisela reacted very passionately to the cookies and now always gets her own portion baked.

The Dachshund

Dachshund lady Josefine and Dachshund male Ule enjoy our designer dog baskets

To better understand the nature and character of the Dachshund, you should know that it was originally bred for hunting underground. Among other things, they were used to hunt badgers, which are superior to dachshunds as predators. This resulted in its combative, self-confident and decisive nature.

The Dachshund’s body shape is characterized by short legs and an elongated body shape. Extensive jumping and agility as a dog sport are not recommended for the Dachshund’s long back.

The character of the Dachshund can be easily deduced from its original area of use. Its self-confident demeanor recommends consistent training from puppyhood onwards. When interacting with other dogs, Dachshunds often show little respect, even towards larger, stronger dogs. Motivation and consistency are the key to success when training Dachshunds, but they should still be given a certain amount of freedom.

His passion for digging is legendary and a place of his own in the garden to indulge his passion is actually part of a species-appropriate attitude.
The Dachshund will become a family dog if it grows up with children and does not have any negative experiences. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to leave dogs and small children alone, especially if they are unfamiliar to the animal.

The terms rough-haired, short-haired and long-haired dachshund describe the coat texture.



The different types of Dachshund refer to the size of the dogs




  • Dachshund: largest dachshund breed, chest circumference approx. 35-40 cm
  • Miniature dachshund: chest circumference approx. 30-35 cm
  • Rabbit dachshund: Chest circumference max. 30 cm


Facts about the Dachshund

  • Life expectancy approx. 14 to 17 years
  • Urge to move medium
  • Training effort high,
  • Low grooming effort
  • Time expenditure high
Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that quickly commands respect with its calm demeanor. It is native to southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a lively, alert dog. It is very agile, although it has a muscular and compact build. Its bat ears and short tail also characterize it, as does a broad and angular head with a blunt-nosed face. The face of this dog breed is characterized by numerous wrinkles on the forehead, nose and zygomatic arches. The coat is short-haired and easy to care for. They do not tolerate blazing sun, extreme heat and cold.

The nature of the French Bulldog is sociable, friendly and cheerful. They are calm, self-confident and sensitive companion dogs, but at the same time playful, sporty and alert. Keeping them in kennels is completely unsuitable for this breed. They need unrestricted attention and love individual contact with their owner.

French Bulldogs do not need much exercise, but are enthusiastic about long walks and are attentive, affectionate companions.



Facts about the French Bulldog

  • High urge to move
  • Colors: fawn, brindle, piebald
  • Function: companion and guard dog
  • Weight: 8 – 14 kg
  • Height: approx. 36 cm
  • Life expectancy: approx. 13 – 15 years

Porkchop & Lambchop in the BOWL designer dog bed

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that quickly commands respect with its calm demeanor. It is native to southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Dog and Heat

When it’s hot, dogs love to let off steam and cool off in the water.

Dogs and heat. Useful tips on how to survive the hot days.

You just have to imagine that the owner has to endure these high temperatures in a fur coat. Then it might be easier to understand how the dog feels in the heat. Since dogs, unlike humans, cannot cool down through sweat – our four-legged friends have only a few sweat glands – dogs and heat do not get along so well. Cooling down works through panting. Heavy panting should already alert the dog owner to take countermeasures.

We have put together some useful tips here to help our dogs survive the hot summer well.

Cooling down with water

If the dog likes to swim, cooling down in a lake, river, stream or the sea is a great way to refresh themselves. Equipped with swimming toys and balls, bathing is a successful activity. This way, dogs and heat are even fun.

If the dog doesn’t mind, it can also be sprayed off with the garden hose (starting at the paws). Catching the drops of water is fun for almost every dog.

If the garden hose is not your four-legged friend’s friend, a sturdy children’s paddling pool will also provide cooling.

Walking the dog in summer

If the temperatures are very high, long walks should be scheduled for the early morning or late evening. Walking with the dog and the heat is bearable on cool lawns or shady forest paths. Otherwise, older animals in particular can quickly develop circulatory problems.

During the day, only short walks are recommended, preferably not on hot asphalt. During the midday hours, a nap in the shade or in the cool apartment is on the agenda.

Avoid walking on pavement and asphalt, open fields and paths without shade. Check the heat of the road surface by pressing your hand onto the surface. If you cannot calmly count to 10, the ground is too hot and will burn the dog’s paws. Even if the road surface is not quite so hot, long walks can lead to burns.

Staying outdoors

It is best to stay in the shade with your dog and the heat. On the cool grass in the park under a shady bush, you can bear it even in high temperatures. A stay in the forest is a great change for dog and owner. Strenuous activities such as cycling should be avoided as they put too much strain on the cardiovascular system.

Grooming in hot weather

The fur should be brushed regularly in summer so that more air can reach the skin. Your darling will also be happy with a short summer cut and thinning of the fur, which will give him relief. Dogs can get sunburnt in hairless areas, so don’t cut them too short. Dogs with dark fur suffer much more in the summer heat, so make sure you go into the shade. You can also give your dog relief in hot weather by moistening his legs and stomach or putting a damp cloth on his body.

It is ideal if the four-legged friend can move freely in and around the house in the heat. He will then usually find a cool place himself, inside or outside.

Food and water

Of course, you always have to provide your dog with enough fresh water in hot weather so that it can quench its thirst at any time.

Smaller food portions spread throughout the day are less stressful for the body.

Homemade ice cream is a welcome change for the dog. You can find some recipes to download here.

Traveling in the car with your dog

It cannot be stressed enough: never leave your dog alone in the car in summer temperatures. It is not enough to park the car in the shade. Always take your dog with you. You can be stopped for any reason. The sun moves and in no time at all the temperatures inside the car are hellishly hot and become a death trap. Lack of oxygen, nausea and circulatory failure can lead to the animal’s death in the worst case scenario.

The use of air conditioning is essential for long journeys. If there is no air conditioning, long car journeys must be planned for the cool morning hours or late evening.

Call the police immediately if you discover an animal in a car. If an animal owner acts irresponsibly, he can be held accountable under Section 17 of the Animal Welfare Act. Fines and/or imprisonment of up to 3 years are threatened.

Recognize warning signals

Heavy panting with a stretched neck, a glazed look and a deep red tongue are a warning sign that the heat is getting too much for your four-legged friend. If vomiting, loss of balance and unconsciousness are added to this, the dog has suffered heatstroke, which in the worst case can lead to death. You should consult a vet as soon as possible!

Here you can find information on the topic Heatstroke in Dogs.

Recipe ideas for dog ice cream

Banana Ice Cream

  • 1 overripe banana
  • 100 g cottage chease

Ice Cream with Watermelon

  • 100 g watermelon
  • 100 g natural yogurt

Blueberry Ice Cream

  • 100 g blueberries
  • 100 g quark


Mix all ingredients and fill into ice cube trays. Stick a small wooden stick or spoon into each ice cube so that you can feed it to your dog. For larger portions, you can also freeze the ice cream in muffin tins.

Important: Offer the dog the ice cream in small portions and make sure that it only swallows small pieces at a time.

Recipe for dog ice cream

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that quickly commands respect with its calm demeanor. It is native to southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The ridge on the spine is clearly visible here

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness or aggression. He has a well-balanced, strong and muscular build and is agile and active. It is still used to hunt game in many parts of the world, its original purpose being to track down large game, mainly lions, and keep them at bay until the hunters came along.

His reserves of strength and stamina are still correspondingly great today. It is a true running dog and therefore unsuitable for people who are not sporty or have limited time. He needs at least two hours of exercise a day, more would be better. He is an excellent tracking and rescue dog, and dog sports are also a great pleasure for him.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback lacks neither courage nor bravery. He is considered to be particularly vigilant and would risk his life for his owner. It is also said to have a sixth sense for danger. At the same time, it is a very calm, cuddly, affectionate dog in the home and is therefore highly valued as a family member.

Dog beginners are quickly overwhelmed with this breed. It is a clever, sensitive but also very headstrong dog. It must be trained consistently and lovingly at the same time. The dog’s innate mistrust and tendency towards dominance can become a problem for its environment if the owner does not have the necessary professionalism. With professional training, he will prove to be a good-natured and relaxed companion in whose presence no unwanted aggression is to be feared, but one can always feel safe.

Its ridge is the breed’s distinguishing feature. It is created by the hair growing in the opposite direction to that on the rest of the body. It should start directly behind the shoulders and extend to the hips. The coat is short, dense, smooth and shiny, ranging in color from light to red wheat. Grooming is quite unproblematic with regular brushing.

Unfortunately, the breed was also fashionable and mass breeding has left its mark.
Therefore, only buy puppies from a VDH breeder.


Facts about the Rhodesian Ridgeback

  • Height of male dog: 63 – 69 cm, approx. 36 kg
  • Height female: 61 – 66 cm, approx. 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: approx. 15 years
  • Urge for movement
  • Educational effort
  • Maintenance effort
  • Time required
Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that quickly commands respect with its calm demeanor. It is native to southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Dog shampoo for sensitive skin

If you don’t feel comfortable washing your dog with a shampoo whose list of ingredients you can’t even pronounce, here’s a great recipe for a homemade dog shampoo. All the ingredients are easy to get hold of, or you may have them at home anyway. The quantity is sufficient for a medium-sized dog, e.g. a Labrador.


Ingredients for dog shampoo:

  • 100 g rolled oats
  • 100 g baking powder
  • 400 ml cups of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon mild washing-up liquid from the health food shop
  • 5 drops of lavender or peppermint oil

Firstly, blend the oats in a food processor until they have the consistency of flour. Add the remaining ingredients and finish mixing.

Massage the shampoo into your dog’s wet coat for a few minutes before rinsing it out. The baking soda absorbs the dog’s odours, while the oat flakes soothe and cleanse the skin.

You will be amazed at how great your dog smells and how soft his coat has become.

After a soothing wash, the Golden Retriever puppy can relax on the cosy leather cushion

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that quickly commands respect with its calm demeanor. It is native to southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.