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Rhodesian Ridgeback

The ridge on the spine is clearly visible here

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness or aggression. He has a well-balanced, strong and muscular build and is agile and active. It is still used to hunt game in many parts of the world, its original purpose being to track down large game, mainly lions, and keep them at bay until the hunters came along.

His reserves of strength and stamina are still correspondingly great today. It is a true running dog and therefore unsuitable for people who are not sporty or have limited time. He needs at least two hours of exercise a day, more would be better. He is an excellent tracking and rescue dog, and dog sports are also a great pleasure for him.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback lacks neither courage nor bravery. He is considered to be particularly vigilant and would risk his life for his owner. It is also said to have a sixth sense for danger. At the same time, it is a very calm, cuddly, affectionate dog in the home and is therefore highly valued as a family member.

Dog beginners are quickly overwhelmed with this breed. It is a clever, sensitive but also very headstrong dog. It must be trained consistently and lovingly at the same time. The dog’s innate mistrust and tendency towards dominance can become a problem for its environment if the owner does not have the necessary professionalism. With professional training, he will prove to be a good-natured and relaxed companion in whose presence no unwanted aggression is to be feared, but one can always feel safe.

Its ridge is the breed’s distinguishing feature. It is created by the hair growing in the opposite direction to that on the rest of the body. It should start directly behind the shoulders and extend to the hips. The coat is short, dense, smooth and shiny, ranging in color from light to red wheat. Grooming is quite unproblematic with regular brushing.

Unfortunately, the breed was also fashionable and mass breeding has left its mark.
Therefore, only buy puppies from a VDH breeder.


Facts about the Rhodesian Ridgeback

  • Height of male dog: 63 – 69 cm, approx. 36 kg
  • Height female: 61 – 66 cm, approx. 32 kg
  • Life expectancy: approx. 15 years
  • Urge for movement
  • Educational effort
  • Maintenance effort
  • Time required
Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-sized, very dignified and intelligent dog that immediately commands respect with its calm appearance. It originates from southern Africa and shows no signs of shyness.

Restful sleep for my dog

Why a quiet, restful sleep is so important for dogs.

For most dogs, the daily routine is similar. After the last round of walks, the dog and his owner go to bed. Peace returns, the dog can switch off and get a restful sleep. With a bit of luck next to your master and mistress in the bedroom. These sleeping sounds calm the pack animal dog the most.
It starts with the first alarm ringing. People become active and from this point on, the four-legged friend can no longer properly assess everyday life. He finds it difficult to switch off and usually just dozes in our presence.
If the dog sleeps deeply and soundly, the dog usually lies stretched out for a long time and there is hardly any body tension. If the four-legged friend is just resting, his eyes are closed, but he is always ready to react immediately to any deviations.

Healthy, sufficient and restful sleep is essential for dogs.

Rest periods throughout the day are extremely important to gather strength and process experiences. In addition, the immune system is strengthened and our four-legged friend is less susceptible to illness. Dogs get restful sleep, are much more relaxed in their behavior, more receptive, learn faster and have better motor skills.

Restful sleep is important for the dog.

Dogs need a restful sleep.

How do I recognise if my dog is sleeping deeply?

If the dog is just resting, he has his eyes open and is looking around. He lies quietly in his place in the dog bed and doesn’t let himself be disturbed immediately.

When the dog is dozing, its nose and ears scan the surroundings. He has his eyes closed, is breathing normally and is not dreaming.

Dogs’ deep sleep phases are quite similar to those of humans. When you fall asleep, your heart rate and breathing slow down and your blood pressure drops. The REM phase comes in which the dogs process their experiences of the day. If the four-legged friend twitches and whines with his eyes closed, he is dreaming and is in the deep sleep phase. In contrast to humans, who dream for about a quarter of the deep sleep phase, the REM phase in adult dogs only lasts about 10% of their sleeping time, although young dogs need a little more.

Scientists have found that humans and dogs show identical patterns of sleep deprivation. They are initially more overexcited, then unfocused and have poor motor skills. Then comes the phase in which they are very irritable. The first symptoms of illness then appear, which can become chronic.
That’s why you should provide your dog with a place to sleep that offers maximum regeneration, because restful sleep is so important.

Restful sleep can be learned again.

Our dogs are no longer used to natural periods of rest. They are just as active as their master. Many dog owners also think they have to keep the dog busy. But the animal actually has to learn again to fall into a deep sleep during the day. In order for the dog to fall into a deep sleep during the day, a few things must be considered.
The perfect sleeping place is the be-all and end-all for the optimal regeneration of your four-legged friend.

Nature has shaped dogs’ natural sleep experience. In order to have a feeling of security and protection, wolves dig a hole for themselves. Dogs get this security when their backs are protected, for example with our BOOX, CUBE, BLOOM dog bed or our ARENA dog basket.

Do not place the dog basket in the middle of the room. It is better to place it on a quiet side or corner of the room, without direct sunlight and free from drafts. Also not directly in front of the heater, as the dog can quickly become too warm. Please do not place the sleeping area in a passage or hallway. There is too much “traffic” and unrest at this point. So that your furry friend can switch off and find peace, a somewhat hidden, protected place is the right place for the dog bed.

To prevent joint problems, please do not let your dog sleep directly on the cold, hard floor. Provide him with a place to sleep that is well insulated from cold and heat (underfloor heating). Our dog cushions are thick enough to meet these requirements. The orthopedic latex filling also ensures a healthy, deep sleep. It supports the dog’s body with its excellent point elasticity and optimally reflects the body shape so that there is no pressure on the intervertebral discs and spine. This ensures optimal muscle relaxation.
If the dog already has problems with its joints, we recommend a viscoelastic (memory foam) dog mat like our PAUL or MARY.
Make sure the dog bed is the right size. The dog should also be able to stretch out properly.

Which also ensures a good night’s sleep.

Exercise and exposure to fresh air are essential for a good night’s sleep. Mental demands such as nose work and tracking require not only the muscles but also the head. A restful sleep also depends on a good sleeping environment, but we have already discussed that. At night it is also important that the room is dark. The animal should also not be disturbed by loud ambient noises. To ensure that the bladder doesn’t strain during the night and prevent the dog from sleeping through the night, a final walk should take place before going to bed. Feed him early in the evening so that he has enough time to digest his evening meal.

Serious causes of too much sleep.

There is a big difference between sleeping and lying lethargic. Watch your dog closely. If he seems rather sluggish and lethargic, you should first check his feeding habits. Is it possible that your four-legged friend is not drinking enough or does he hardly have an appetite? This can be a serious red flag. When we humans have the flu, we don’t want to get out of bed and suffer from loss of appetite and lack of motivation. Watch your dog closely and see if he might
– receives too little employment and is under-challenged
– suffers from an underactive thyroid
– Is diabetic
– suffers from depression
– was infected with Lyme disease from a tick bite

Basically: 16 to 20 hours of sleep is normal for dogs and usually not a cause for concern. However, if your animal’s behavior suddenly changes, he is much less active, lies lethargic in his bed, or his drinking habits or eating behavior change, you should always consult a veterinarian.